Jan Žaloudík

President, ABC Global Alliance and Director, Champalimaud Clinical Center

Prof. Dr. Jan Žaloudík is a Czech politician, doctor and professor of surgery and oncology. He acted as a Senator for the Brno- Město district in the Czech Republic and was in office for 12 years, between October 2010 and October 2022. In the years 1979-2010, he worked at the Masaryk Oncology Institute (MOÚ) in Brno as a surgeon and oncologist where in 2000–2001 he managed this institute as its director, before moving to the position of deputy director for development, science and teaching from 2002-2008. He has also worked temporarily at the Central Military Hospital in Prague and at the Jihlava Hospital as an oncologist. Moreover, he held the position of Chairman of the Committee for Health Care and Social Policy of the Senate of the Czech Republic and acted as an advisor to the Prime Minister for Healthcare.

In the years 1999–2002, he worked as Vice Dean for science and research at the Faculty of Medicine of Masaryk University, and following this, he served as Dean of the faculty for seven years. At this faculty, he continues to lecture in Czech and English study programs. He has devoted his entire professional life mainly to surgery and oncosurgery.

In addition to this he was a researcher at Paterson Institute for Cancer Research and Christie Hospital in Manchester, Great Britain and at the Wistar Institute and at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, USA. Furthermore, he is a member of the scientific councils of the Faculty of Medicine of Masaryk University, Charles University, the Health Research Agency and the Czech Medical Chamber, member of the committees of the Czech Surgical Society and the Czech Oncological Society

Prof. Dr. Jan Žaloudík is also the author of more than 200 professional works, co-author of several professional monographs and teaching texts and since 2020, he is now working as the representative of the South Moravian Region.