Marie Pierre Revel

Revel 210210




Head of the Radiology department, Cochin Hospital, University of Paris


Prof. Revel is currently Head of the Radiology department at Cochin Hospital, University of Paris, Paris, France. Her area of expertise concerns thoracic imaging in particular in the field of thoracic oncology and thromboembolic diseases. She worked on chest imaging applications of artificial intelligence. She is past president of the European Society of Thoracic Imaging (ESTI) and is responsible for the ESTI Lung Cancer Screening certification project, supported by the European Society of Radiology (ESR). She will conduct the CASCADE study, a Lung cancer screening (LCS) implementation study in France, which aims to evaluate the reading modalities of the thoracic CT exams: single reading by a radiologist trained to LCS, role of artificial intelligence.


Updated: May 2021