
Strategy 2024-2027 and Funding

According to the European Cancer Organisation Strategy 2024-2027, our association’s activities are structured around two main pillars:

Pillar 1: Policy and Advocacy
  • On behalf of our Member Societies, we strive to be a leading organisation in the development of oncopolicy and advocacy at the European level.
  • On behalf of our Member Societies, we are available as a resource to European institutions to convene and facilitate across disciplines, professions and with patient advocates.
  • We advocate on key policy issues, speaking with one voice on behalf of our Member Societies and patient groups, to enhance the impact of their expertise and experience.
Pillar 2: Convening and Facilitating
  • We act as the "federation" of the European cancer community - amplifying the important work of our member societies and Patient Advisory Committee.
  • We convene our Member Societies, patient groups and other stakeholders for discussion and exchange, building consensus and co-ordinating activities, focusing on improved outcomes and benchmarking best practice, including through our Focused Topic Networks.
  • We believe in collaboration, bringing together those who share our Mission and Vision to promote multidisciplinarity and multi-professionals for the benefit of patients, as well as advocating across Europe for our agreed policies.
Pillar 3: Implementing and Delivering

Activities associated to Pillar 1 (policy and advocacy) are funded according to a range of sources, including membership fees, fees generated by services such as the Accreditation Council of Oncology Education, events, and contributions from sources such as charities and Foundations.

More information on our Strategy 2024-2027 can be found here.

Activities associated to Pillar 2 (convening and facilitating) are supported by ‘Community 365’ industry contributors. Community 365 provides ideas, guidance, practical support and resources for our work in convening stakeholders and building consensus in the European cancer community. More information can be found here.

Activities associated to Pillar 3 (implementing and delivering) are supported either by EU funding or Community 365, depending on the project.

EU Transparency Register requirements

The European Cancer Organisation is a fully compliant member of the EU Transparency Register (Number 51022176260-12). The transparency register is a database that lists organisations involved in official representations to the law-making and policy implementation process of the EU institutions. The register makes visible what interests are being pursued, by whom, and with what budgets.

Independence of Policy and Decision-Making

As part of its Strategy 2020-23, the European Cancer Organisation has put in place robust governance mechanisms in order to ensure full independence of its policy activities. All policy-making should include clear consultation with our member societies and members of the Patient Advisory Committee with final decision-making by our Board of Directors. Our Board of Directors is comprised of representatives of our Member Societies. The Board of Directors is elected via the General Assembly of members societies. The Board of Directors also includes representation from the Patient Advisory Committee.

For more information see our Process of Policy Decision-Making.