Focused Topic Networks

On behalf of its Member Societies and Patient Advocacy Groups, the European Cancer Organisation convenes interested stakeholders around nine important topics.

Led by co-chairs from our Member Societies, these Networks have been established to facilitate consensus and joint projects in our Strategy 2024-2027.  The programme of the European Cancer Summit is also based on these nine topics.

Focused Topic Networks do not have a decision-making role in policy work.  Where policy needs are identified during Network discussions, our Member Societies are able to make proposals through our policy approval pathway here.  When policies have been agreed, our Focused Topic Networks support the campaign for the implementation of these policies.

Mission and Vision

Our Mission

To reduce the burden of cancer, improve outcomes and the quality of care for cancer patients, through multidisciplinarity and multiprofessionalism.

As the not-for-profit federation of member organisations working in cancer at a European level, we convene oncology professionals and patients to agree policy, advocate for positive change and be the united voice of the European cancer community.

Our Vision

To be a vibrant, pro-active, focused, relevant and influential federation, working together for a cancer free future, ensuring that every patient has high quality care and treatment, with access to the full range of professionals needed.

To create and develop ever-strengthening relationships between European institutions and the European cancer care community, and with our Member Societies, Patient Advisory Committee and Focused Topic Networks, facilitate collaboration and consensus towards tangible and impactful policy improvement.

Our Values

Our essential and enduring values are:

  • Patient Centricity – Putting cancer patients at the centre of our concerns and activities and strive to do the best for them
  • Commitment to Science – Reflecting the very latest scientific knowledge and be completely independent of any vested interests
  • Cohesiveness – We believe in the power of combining the efforts of our members and other stakeholders who have a common mission
  • Inclusiveness – We seek to include all non-profit organisations that share our mission, vision and values
  • Equality and Fairness – All our members have a voice in the organisation and we strive to transcend the interests of any one member
  • Openness and Transparency – We are committed to be transparent in and accountable for all that we do


Find out more about our Strategy for 2024-2027 here.