
The European Cancer Organisation aims to create and develop ever-strengthening relationships between European institutions and the European cancer care community, and together with our Member Societies, Patient Advisory Committee and networks, facilitate collaboration and consensus on focused topics towards tangible and impactful policy improvement. 

The strategic objectives that underpin all our policy activity are:

  • the advancement of multidisciplinarity and patient-centricity in cancer care; and,
  • the promotion of policy recommendations for the improvement of cancer care, drawing on the Organisation’s unique multidisciplinary reach.

Read more about our policy approval pathway here .


eco time to accelerate

“Time to Accelerate: Together Against Cancer” is a roadmap of recommendations for the future of EU cancer policy under the next European Commission 2024-2029. It represents the result of inputs and consultations with many organisations and individuals active in pan-European cancer policy cooperation, and specific consultation with the Focused Topic Networks of the European Cancer Organisation.


Check out our policy driven publications, news and events:

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Tracking Inequalities in Cancer

The European Cancer Pulse is a unique data visualisation tool designed to track inequalities and monitor progress in cancer care across Europe, highlighting the factors that influence disparities in cancer care.

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Political Unity for Cancer Action

National & European Parliamentarians for Cancer Action brings together more than 130 relevant policymakers to design better cancer policies in Europe, learn from best practices across the cancer care continuum, and collectively create data-driven recommendations in the fight against cancer. You can find a list of the members below.

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