Special Interests
Domenico D'Ugo is Full Professor of Surgery at Catholic University of Rome, “A.Gemelli” Medical School.
He has extensive practice in different and various fields of General, abdominal and thoracic surgery with high number of endoscopic exams throughout the first years plus >3000 surgical operations until June 2003, 2000 of them as first operating surgeon ( from the officla data bank of “A.Gemelli”University Hospital)
> 1300 major oncologic treatments as responsible of the Surgical Oncology Unit at the “Centro ad alta Tecnologia per la formazione e ricerca nelle scienze biomediche”, sede di Campobasso UCSC(from the official data bank : S.I.S. Campobasso).
From November 1st 2006, as the Director of the General Surgical Unit of “A.Gemelli” Hospital, has performed and/or supervised >800 medium-major procedures per year
The peculiar personal experience that can be deducted from the complex of such yearly activity has been mainly focused on diverse aspect of surgical oncology techniques, starting from lung, esophageal, thyroid and breast surgery (during the years of service in Thoracic Surgery), up to the most recent interests in pancreas, colo-rectal and especially gastric neoplasms
Peculiar attention has been deserved to the development, implementation and teaching of new technologies In all fields of abdominal surgery; has been initiator and leader of laparoscopic techniques at “A.Gemelli” Hospital” for cholecistectomy, anti-reflux procedures, splenectomy, laparoscopic colon resection for cancer and chronic inflammatort bowel diseases, laparoscopic anterior resection of the rectum and video-assisted Miles Operation; lately has initiated a program of laparoscopic D2 gastric resection.
Administrative reports of all Surgical Unit directed by D.D’Ugo, up to date, witness for a very efficient organizational planing of an highly specialized level of surgical care, especially in the field of abdominal surgical oncology.
Domenico D'Ugo is the current President of the European Society of Surgical Oncology (ESSO).
Updated: September 2021