Olatz Garin


Olatz Garin is a senior researcher in the Health Services Research Group of the Hospital del Mar Research Institute, where she began working in 2001 after finishing her degree in Fundamental and Sanitary Biology (University of Navarra, 1997-2001). She has a Master in Public Health (Pompeu Fabra University, 2002-2004), a Master in Research Methodology (Autonomous University of Barcelona, 2004-2007) and a PhD in Biomedicine (Pompeu Fabra University, 2013), with a thesis in the field of evaluation of Patient-Reported Outcomes (PRO).

Dr. Garin has been a member of the CIBER of Epidemiology and Public Health (CIBERESP) since its creation, as well as of the ‘Multicentric Spanish Group of Localized Prostate Cancer’, the EMPARO-CU Study Group, and the CIBERESP Cases and Controls in Pandemic Influenza Working Group.

Dr. Garin’s current research project as Principal Investigator is Implementing PROMs and PREMs in routine clinical care: assessment of requirements and impact (ISCIII-FEDER PI21/00026, 2022-2024). This project aims to evaluate the efficacy of the implementation of PROMs and PREMs in routine clinical care of in- and out-patients with relevant chronic pathologies in Spain, in order to improve patients' and health professionals' experiences on health care, as well as improving patients' health. This supposes the creation of working groups per pathology representing different stakeholders, the design of an e-platform for implementing PROMs and PREMs in routine clinical care, and a randomized controlled trial with 3 arms to evaluate the impact of implementing these measures.

Olatz Garin has published above 100 scientific articles in high-impact journals, half of them in journals that are in Q1 of their specialty. Her publications have obtained 2,032 citations and an h-index of 25 (Scopus, 20/02/2025); and has been Principal Investigator of 3 FIS health research projects (ISCIII FEDER PI21/00026 in 2022-2024, PI13/00412 in 2014-2016 and PI16/00130 in 2017-2019) – with proposals that were very highly evaluated by the reviewers. She has also been a member of the research team in 21 scientific projects, among which 4 funded by the European Commission (nowadays part of the EUonQoL).