Christine Chomienne

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Vice Chair of the EU Cancer Mission


Christine Chomienne is Professor of Cellular Biology at the Université de Paris, France.

She is currently Vice-Chair of the Mission Board Cancer at the European Commission. She was Director of Research and Innovation at the French National Cancer Institute (INCa) and Director of the Cancer Institute of France Research Organisations (Inserm & AVIESAN). She is past president of the European Hematology Association.

She qualified in medicine at the Université Paris Diderot and received certification for specialized training in Hematology in 1983. She obtained her PhD in 1989. Dr. Chomienne has served on many scientific and clinical committees in France and Europe in Leukemia, Immunology, Oncology and Stem Cell Research. She was head of the Cell Biology Department at the Hôpital Saint Louis, Paris and Director of the University Inserm Research Laboratory at the Institut Universitaire d’Hématologie for the last 25 years.

She is committed to education nationally and coordinator of different Courses and Masters at the University Paris Diderot. She established the Institute of PhD Schools at the University Paris Diderot (23 PhD of all disciplines) and coordinated an ITN Marie Curie FP7 on Cancer Stem Cells. She has recently been involved in patient/parent participation in cancer research and in communication education on personalized medecine.

Dr. Chomienne is author of more than 270 peer-reviewed publications and has received several scientific (Academia of Science) and French governmental awards (Legions of Honour).


Updated: August 2020