New EU4Health 2024 Call on Vaccination and Vaccine-Preventable Cancers (HPV and HBV)

A new EU4Health call for proposals on vaccination and vaccine-preventable cancers, particularly HPV and HBV, was published on 17 September 2024. The call focuses on implementing the planned Council Recommendation on vaccine-preventable cancers, with a deadline for applications on 22 January 2025 at 17:00 CET. The maximum project duration is 36 months, and the total budget is €2.5 million. ECO is planning to lead the coordination of the new proposal aiming for a maximum 80% funding rate. A call with 50+ interested partners was held on 27 September to discuss preliminary ideas and next steps. In case you want to be involved in the next discussions, please contact Alberto Hermosel at

Key activities outlined in the call include the development and piloting of guidance to increase vaccination uptake, especially among vulnerable populations. This includes displaced people from Ukraine, Roma communities, refugees, prisoners, and other marginalised groups. Efforts will focus on supporting member states in implementing the actions set out in the Council Recommendation, facilitating the sharing of best practices, and enhancing awareness of the importance of vaccination in preventing cancers caused by HPV and HBV. Additionally, capacity-building initiatives will target healthcare professionals, improving communication skills and fostering stronger engagement with patient and community groups to reduce vaccine hesitancy and misinformation.

The expected outcomes of the projects funded through this call include significant increases in HPV and HBV vaccination rates across vulnerable groups, as well as broader population-level improvements in vaccine uptake in both boys and girls. The aim is also to reduce barriers to vaccination, such as misinformation, lack of access, and socio-economic factors, which often contribute to low uptake rates, as well as developing guidance piloted on the basis of identification of best and promising practices.

The call encourages collaboration between public and private entities, including academia, research institutes, civil society organisations, and member states, in a collective effort to reduce health inequalities across Europe. Find more information in the official website of the call here, while below you will find a detailed breakdown of the call, with expected timeline, activities and results:

Timeline & budget:

  • Duration of the project: Maximum 36 months
  • Expected number of grant agreements: 3
  • Total budget: EUR 2.500.000


  • Develop and pilot guidance to increase vaccination uptake, focusing on vulnerable groups.
  • Conduct outreach to vulnerable populations (including displaced people from Ukraine and Roma in the EU) to improve vaccination rates.
  • Support implementation of the Council recommendation on vaccine-preventable cancers.
  • Help member states share best practices related to vaccination and cancer prevention.
  • Complement the activities carried out under the new Joint Action on cancer caused by infections, vaccine-preventable cancers and communicable diseases (HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, Hepatitis).
  • Raise awareness on the role of infections (HPV, Hepatitis B and C) in causing cancers and promote vaccinations.
  • Build capacity among health professionals and support patient groups and vulnerable groups such as Roma, drug users, prisoners, refugees and migrants.

Expected Results:

  • Identify and pilot best practices to increase vaccination uptake for boys and girls.
  • Increase HPV and Hepatitis B vaccination rates among affected populations and vulnerable groups, including the Roma community.
  • Reduce misinformation and barriers to vaccination.
  • Raise awareness of infections (HPV, Hepatitis B) as cancer causes.
  • Enhance testing and treatment for Hepatitis B and C, particularly among vulnerable groups.
  • Reduce health inequalities.


Do you want to get involved? Contact Alberto Hermosel, ECO EU & Network Projects Officer at