
This report was produced by the European Cancer Organisation’s Inequalities Network, based on the Community 365 Roundtable Meeting on Inequalities on 14 October 2020 and in line the European Cancer Organisation’s policy decision-making process. The Network comprises of representatives drawn from the European Cancer Organisation’s Member Societies, Patient Advisory Committee members, Community 365a and other invited stakeholders.


Matti Aapro, President of the European Cancer Organisation and EU Cancer Mission Assembly Member
Hendrik Van Poppel, Co-Chair of the European Cancer Organisation Inequalities Network
Nicolò Matteo Luca Battisti, Co-Chair of the European Cancer Organisation Inequalities Network
Linda Gibbs, Oncology Lead for Central/Eastern Europe, Pfizer
Hampton Shaddock, Head of Global Public Affairs, Oncology at Sanofi

Thanks are due to all those members of the Inequalities Network who took the time to comment on various drafts of this report.


Suggested citation: Aapro M, Van Poppel H, Luca Battisti N M (2020). It Can Be Done — Beating Inequalities in Cancer Care Cancers in Europe. Action Report. European Cancer Organisation;  Brussels

a Community 365 is a group of charity, philanthropy and industry contributors to the Focused Topic Networks of the European Cancer Organisation. Community 365 provide ideas, guidance, practical support and resources for our work in convening stakeholders and building consensus in the European cancer community. Community 365 contributors do not have a decision-making role in our policy work.
Rather, policies of the European Cancer Organisation, such as those represented in this document,  are agreed by our Board after consultation with our Member Societies and Patient Advisory Committee, via our Policy Pathway process. More information here: