Rui Medeiros

rui medeiros

Board Member, European Cancer Organisation

Clinical Scientist and University Professor. Deputy Director of the Research Center of IPO Porto (a Comprehensive Cancer Center), Head of Molecular Oncology and Viral Pathology Research Group of IPO Porto, as a well-published Professor of Medicine and Molecular Oncology, Virology, Pharmacogenomics and Molecular Epidemiology, as the Director of the Research and of the Education Department in the Portuguese League Against Cancer, and at the international level has the President of the Association of European Cancer Leagues (ECL) for the last three years and formerly its Vice-President. Former Co-Chair of the HPV Action Network of the ECO-European Cancer Organization (2019-2022). Published more than 500 scientific papers in international peer-review journals and is regularly invited as a reviewer for International Grants and Journals and performed hundreds of successful interventions in conferences and scientific meetings. He was member of National Committee for the Consensus guidelines of the Anti HPV vaccination Portugal National Health Plan.

Awarded with several prestigious national and International Awards and Honours namely: The European Cervical Cancer Prevention Award- (European parliament/ECCA) (2009), Astellas/Yamanouchi European Foundation Award (2005); National Health Sciences Award University of Coimbra/BluePharma (2005); National Award- Portuguese Society of Human Genetics (1999); Rotary Club Award for Oncology (1998) and many others. Member of several national and international associations and has already organized, as Executive or Scientific President of some of the most important meetings as the 30th International Papillomavirus Conference (HPV 2015), the 2nd Congress of European Society of Pharmacogenomics and Theragnostic Congress (2013) and the 7th European Conference on Tobacco or Health (ECToH 2017). President of ECToH 23, 9th European Conference on Tobacco or Health (Madrid). President of the General Assembly of the Casa dos Açores do Norte. More than 15 years of experience as University Professor with classes for undergraduate or post graduate students (MSc and PhD level) as well as supervisor and mentor of more than 35 PhD Students with finalized PhD Thesis.

Participation as member of the Scientific Board/Professor in field associated Master and PhD Programs: MSc Program on Oncology, ICBAS, Biomedical School at University of Porto; MSc Program on Medicine and Molecular Medicine, Faculty of Medicine at University of Porto; MSc Program on Forensic Medicine, ICBAS, Biomedical School at University of Porto; PhD Program on Pathology and Molecular Genetics, ICBAS, Biomedical School, at University of Porto; PhD Program on Medicine and Molecular Oncology, Faculty of Medicine at University of Porto. International Scientific Project Grant Evaluation/Reviewer experience for the ESF-European Science Foundation; “Research Grants Council (RGC) of Hong Kong/University Grants; AICR Association for International Cancer Research; “Italian National Centre for Rare Disease, Italian Public Health Institute”; “Biomedical and Therapeutic Research Committee for Biomedical Research in Scotland”; Dutch Cancer Society; Medical Research Council UK; and for the Belgian FNRS -Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique among many others.


Updated: January 2024