15:00-15:20 Welcome and introductions
Introduction to the HTA regulation and progress so far. Introductory remarks by:
- Natacha Bolaños, Regional Manager for Europe, Lymphoma Coalition
- Eric Van Cutsem, Board Member, European Cancer Organisation, Head of Digestive Oncology, University Hospitals Gasthuisberg & KULeuven
15:20-16:00 Session 1: EU level HTA decisions – Who decides and how?
Session co-chaired by Eric Van Cutsem, Board Member, European Cancer Organisation, Head of Digestive Oncology, University Hospitals Gasthuisberg & KULeuven and Hilary Hansen, Global Public Affairs Lead, Oncology, Sanofi.
Presentation on governance and decision-making processes associated to the HTA Regulation, and the results of the Commission consultation on conflict of interest.
- Lise-lott Eriksson, President MPE, Myeloma Patient Europe
- Marco Marchetti, Director, National Center for Health Technology Assessment, Istituto Superiore di Sanita
- Béla Dajka, Health Policy Officer, DG Sante European Commission
- Robin Doeswijk, Head of European Affairs, European Hematology Association
16:00-16:40 Session 2: How will data be used to support EU level Joint Clinical Assessments?
Session co-chaired by Natacha Bolaños, Regional Manager for Europe, Lymphoma Coalition and Kostas Papadakis, Head of Oncology Market Access, Bayer
Expert discussion with audience and:
- Ansgar Hebborn, Roche Pharma's Head of Global HTA & Payment Policy
- Panos Kanavos, Deputy Director at LSE Health, London School of Economics
- Tamara Hussong Milagre, President at EVITA, ePAG Representative at European Reference Network GENTURIS, EUPATI fellow
16:40-17:20 Session 3: Are countries ready for implementing the EU HTA regulation?
Co-chaired by Eric Van Cutsem and Sandro Cesaro, Head of Market Access and Innovative Value Strategies EUCAN, AstraZeneca
Expert discussion with audience and:
- Valentina Strammiello, Director of Strategic Initiatives, European Patients Forum
- Mihai Rotaru, Director Market Access, EFPIA
17:20-17:30 Closing remarks and summary
Contribution from Tomislav Sokol MEP