From Gaps to Growth: Delivering Digital Skills in Cancer Care
A Stakeholder Forum for the TRANSiTION Project

Despite digital health's potential, challenges persist in cancer care, including a scarcity of workforce training on digital skills and limited digital health literacy.
Digital literacy among healthcare professionals, non-clinical professionals (i.e. health managers) and cancer patients is crucial for the successful digital solutions uptake and integration across the cancer continuum hence capitalizing on its full potential. Education and training in digital health are identified as top priorities for developing the future healthcare workforce (i.e. healthcare professionals and non-clinical professionals), improving the quality of care and quality of care experience and enabling patient access to improved healthcare services.
The Overall Objectives of TRANSiTION
The TRANSiTION project is developing an advanced education programme for healthcare professionals and non-clinical staff (i.e. health managers), which will equip them with digital skills needed to exchange information more efficiently and effectively with patients and other professionals. The project commenced by assessing and mapping the current digital skills and has engaged directly with stakeholders to identify their specific needs. This will enable and facilitate professionals and non-clinical staff to adopt new digital tools and integrate them into their everyday practices enabling a smoother digital transition.
Led by the Cyprus University of Technology (CUT), the project collaborates with various organisations and uses a problem-solving, teamwork approach to enhance competencies. TRANSiTION has a consortium of 25 partners from 14 member states with expertise in professional development and training programmes in the healthcare sector.

Why is this Stakeholder Forum important for the TRANSiTION Project?
Ensuring that healthcare professionals can work effectively with the latest tools and technology is crucial to ensuring that cancer patients receive the best and most efficient care in Europe. stakeholders, policymakers and co-researchers will have the chance to contribute to its creation during the design and development phase through this forum. A high-level report will be issued following the forum to capture the main points of the discussions and to facilitate drawing conclusions and further connections.

Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.