Men and Cancer

Men bear an excess burden of cancer in terms of higher incidence and mortality. In 2020, there were 1.44 million cancer cases in men and 1.24 million in women in the EU. The reasons for this are partly biological but mostly preventable.

As part of ECO’s Inequalities Network, the Men and Cancer workstream looks to address the unique inequities faced by men touched by cancer. It brings together key stakeholders from the European cancer community to work on issues such as:

  • Ensuring gender-neutral HPV vaccination in all countries
  • Multi-pronged approaches for improving early detection, including gender-targeted health information and more flexible access hours for GP and health services
  • Improving male participation in accessing psychosocial support
  • Support for national level implementation of EU Council Recommendations on Cancer Screening, including for prostate cancer.
  • A European Commission Initiative on Prostate Cancer covering the entire pathway
  • Improved understanding and response to the needs of groups of men at heightened risk of getting cancer and experiencing poorer outcomes
  • Routine and comprehensive cancer data collection and analysis covering sex and gender
  • Accelerated research into men and cancer (both clinical and social)
  • National cancer plans that tackle gender-specific needs, including for men
  • Information and training for policymakers and practitioners on improving cancer policy and services for men

The workstream was launched in 2023 and produced a joint roadmap with recommendations for national and EU policymakers, titled ‘Time to Accelerate: Action on Men and Cancer’.

ECO will promote the men and cancer roadmap through 2024 as part of its wider ‘Time to Accelerate’ campaign and is keen to develop other initiatives on the issue, including during International Men's Health Week, 10-16 June 2024. It will support other ECO Networks where appropriate.

Workstream Co-Chairs

 Workstream co chairs for webpages 1