European Code of Cancer Practice Video Statements

23 September 2020

The European Code of Cancer Practice is a new tool for empowering citizens and cancer patients with 10 key overarching Rights, signposting what cancer patients should expect from their healthcare system.

We asked leading oncology experts, patient advocates, policy-makers and politicians from around Europe to explain why each of these 10 Rights is so important for the benefits of cancer patients and their loved ones.  Join the tour around Europe by viewing video messages next to each Right below.

We are grateful for all the support we can receive, to ensure The Code is well known and understood across Europe.  If you or your organisation would like to get involved in the national implementation of The Code, please contact us.

Please find below videos from our launch virtual event on 23 September, including the EU Health Commissioner Stella Kyriakides, as well as MEPs, patient advocates and oncology experts from around Europe on why each of the 10 Rights included in the Code are so important:

Right 1


Right 2
Right 3
Right 4
Right 5
Right 6  
Right 7
Right 8
Right 9
Right 10
European Code of Cancer Practice Video Statements