2020 in Review: Year We Created a Brighter Future Despite Challenges

20 April 2021

We are pleased to present to you our Annual Report. At the European Cancer Organisation, during 2020, we were determined that we would not allow the pandemic to slow down the momentum of implementing our four-year Strategy, establishing nine new Focused Topic Networks of collaboration and consensus building, as well as launching a new brand in addition to a new website. Moreover, we concretised a long lasting tool that we believe to be helpful in improving cancer care and patient rights; the European Code of Cancer Practice translated in 25 languages.

In this Annual Report you can find further details on the policy work of the organisation and the key outputs and advocacy successes of our Focused Topic Networks, convening our Member Societies, Patient Advocacy groups and invited stakeholders.

Looking back at 2020, Dr Matti Aapro, President of the European Cancer Organisation, said:

“It is hard to overstate the enormous harm caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and its associated lockdown measures across many walks of life, and not least cancer care. I, my Executive and Board colleagues and all the E.C.O. family are determined to do all we can to continue raising the alarm about the late diagnosis wave coming. We need to ensure every citizen understands, that when it comes to cancer or any other life-threatening disease, never, ever, put it off.

However, it is also critical that we do not permit such ill wills to blow us off our longer-term course. Building a better future for cancer care in Europe is an ongoing mission, duty in fact, for our organisation. Momentum on that task will not abate in 2021. We do invite you to join us in creating it.”

Mike Morrissey, Chief Executive of the European Cancer Organisation, said:

“I am a great believer that membership organisations work most effectively where there is a true partnership between the volunteer leaders and the staff team. I also believe in the power of positive energy and working within a culture of dynamism, good humour and trust – especially when we are working on something as important as cancer. I would like to thank all of the Board and Patient Advisory Committee members, the co-chairs of our new Focused Topic Networks, and everyone who has participated in our activities for working so collaboratively and constructively, with the support of our superb staff.”


Discover our Annual Report 2020.

2020 in Review: Year We Created a Brighter Future Despite Challenges