ECO HPV Symposium – Learnings from a European approach

29 January 2024

The HPV Action Now project, co-ordinated by ECO, aims to encourage and support advocacy campaigns on HPV cancer elimination, particularly in those European countries that are falling behind. The project works to bring together patient and professional groups in coalitions that make the case for changes in policy on HPV vaccination, cervical cancer screening and public education and awareness. 

This ECO HPV Symposium, which was held in Brussels on 25 January 2024, gathered the learnings from the project to date – and from campaigns elsewhere – to provide a platform for similar work in other European countries. The findings from the symposium will be available through a freely available guide to HPV advocacy report.

The event brought together organisations and individuals with direct experience of advocacy campaigns on HPV cancer elimination from a variety of countries to: 

  • Share with each other experiences and learning about ‘what works’ in advocacy campaigns.
  • Disseminate to a wider audience, via a published report and other media, information about effective advocacy on HPV.
  • Encourage and support advocacy, led by ECO and independent actors, in other countries.
  • Contribute to the legacy of the HPV Action Now project.

Here are some key takeaways from the event: 

  • Advocacy by civil society organisations has played a major role in influencing policy on HPV vaccination and cervical cancer screening in Europe. 
  • Multi-agency coalitions can have a bigger impact than organisations that do advocacy work on their own.
  • It is essential to work with scientists and clinicians to ensure that evidence is robust and credible.
  • The testimonies of people directly affected by HPV can have a significant impact on decision-makers.
  • Young people and their organisations have an important role in HPV advocacy work.
  • It is important to work with politicians from all political parties.
  • Engaging the media, including social media influencers, is essential.


Learn more about ECO's work on HPV here.

ECO HPV Symposium – Learnings from a European approach