ECO marks World Cancer Day with two landmark events

05 February 2024

Despite modern advances in cancer care and prevention, half the world’s population lacks access to essential health services. In this light, World Cancer Day 2024 (4 February) was dedicated to fighting inequity in cancer care.

Professor Csaba Dégi, president of the European Cancer Organisation (ECO) said: ‘Europe is a heatmap of inequalities in cancer care. We have to rewrite the story of cancer: equal access for every European.' As a result, ECO joined forces with partners across Europe. Among its many efforts:

  • On 31 January, ECO attended the European Commission’s special event hosted by Health Commissioner Stella Kyriakides to mark the third anniversary of Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan. The discussions highlighted Europe's strides in fighting this disease but also opportunities to close the care gap. For more information on this special European Commission event, read the dedicated article on our website.
  • On 1 February, ECO joined with the Hellenic Cancer Federation (ELLOK) to address Greece's disparities and to improve the cancer care it offers its citizens. While Greece is making strides in eliminating HPV cancers and expanding cervical cancer screening, colorectal screening rates in Greece lag behind other European countries. In a bid to drive progress, ELLOK and ECO are working to implement ‘Time to Accelerate: Together Against Cancer’. This manifesto emphasises evidence-based cancer policy and the need for national cancer plans and registries. ELLOK and ECO advocate for fair cancer care access. Discover the full list of recommendations as well as more information on the joint event in this dedicated article.   

ECO's World Cancer Day activities included a robust social media campaign to reinforce its commitment to the fight for equity in cancer care. To stay up to date with ECO's activity, visit our social media channels: LinkedIn, X, Facebook and Instagram.     

ECO marks World Cancer Day with two landmark events