European Parliament to Form a Special Committee on Beating Cancer

19 June 2020

Responding to the vote by the European Parliament this afternoon to form a new Special Committee on Beating Cancer, Dr Matti Aapro, President of the European Cancer Organisation said:


“The establishment of a Special Committee of the European Parliament on Beating Cancer is wonderful news. It represents an important step in the long-term dedication of many members of the Parliament to the fight against cancer. We applaud that the representatives of Europe’s citizens are taking this once-in-a-generation opportunity to elevate and accelerate EU Cancer Policy.

Cancer touches the lives of every citizen in every country. United action against cancer can synergize activity and help achieve new levels of success in this battle. We also need to urgently begin undoing the enormous damage to cancer care caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

We encourage the Special Committee to help ensure the Beating Cancer Plan, EU Cancer Mission and other connected initiatives are bold, ambitious and inspiring. Key cross-cutting issues such as tackling inequalities, enhancing our workforce and giving focus to the quality of cancer care that patients receive, should be important areas of the Committee’s attention.

We look forward to working together with the Parliament, our 31 European cancer member societies and 20 patient advocacy groups, to make Cancer Policy the best it can possibly be.”

European Parliament to Form a Special Committee on Beating Cancer