Interim Report of the Mission Board for Cancer

26 June 2020

The European Commission has published the Interim Report of the Mission Board for Cancer. This remains a draft outline of what the Mission Board consider should be the core components of the EU Cancer Mission, which will commence in 2021. A final outline will be provided in December of this year.

There are 13 recommendations under the following headlines:

  1. Launch – a European Initiative to Understand Cancer

  2. Develop an EU-wide research programme to identify (poly-) genic risk scores

  3. Support the development and implementation of effective cancer prevention strategies and policies within Member States and the EU

  4. Optimise existing screening programmes and develop novel approaches for screening and early detection

  5. Advance and implement personalised medicine approaches for all cancer patients in Europe

  6. Develop an EU-wide research programme on early diagnostic and minimally invasive treatment technologies

  7. Develop an EU-wide research programme and policy support to improve the quality of life of cancer patients and survivors, family members and carers, and all persons with an increased risk of cancer

  8. Create a European Cancer Patient Digital Centre where cancer patients and survivors can deposit and share their data for personalised care

  9. Achieve Cancer Health Equity in the EU across the continuum of the disease

  10. Set up a network of Comprehensive Cancer Infrastructures within and across all EU Member States to increase quality of research and care

  11. Childhood cancers and cancers in adolescents and young adults: cure more and cure better

  12. Accelerate innovation and implementation of new technologies and create Oncology-focused Living Labs to conquer cancer

  13. Transform cancer culture, communication and capacity building

Further information, including the full outline document, is available here.

Dr Matti Aapro, President of the European Cancer Organisation and EU Cancer Mission Assembly Member, said:

“I congratulate the Cancer Mission Board for their work in developing this encouraging outline. Taking a comprehensive approach of research needs throughout the care continuum is exactly what is needed. It is pleasing to see emphasis on critical issues such as inequalities, improving data collaboration, and paying due attention to cancer survivor needs, for patients of all ages.

From the inception of the Cancer Mission concept, the European Cancer Organisation has called for a Mission that is suitably bold and ambitious, and that links closely with Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan and other relevant EU initiatives to achieve the very maximum effect in preventing and treating cancer, and addressing its short-term and long-term negative health and economic effects.

We will have the opportunity at the European Cancer Summit 2020 in November to discuss these points and look forward to the publication of the final Outline of the Mission Board in December.”

Interim Report of the Mission Board for Cancer