The Council of the European Union has adapted a groundbreaking set of recommendations to increase vaccination rates against both the human papillomavirus (HPV) and hepatitis B virus (Hep B) and combating cancers caused by these two viruses. The measures were agreed upon today on during a meeting of the EPSCO (Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council) in Brussels, and are crucial for advancing our efforts to prevent cancer across Europe.
Key recommendations to member states include:
These measures are part of the broader Europe's Beating Cancer Plan and effort to reduce the vaccine-preventable cancers. Daniel Kelly and Margaret Stanley, co-chairs of the ECO HPV and Hep B Action Network, had this to say:
'The newly published Council Recommendation is welcome and shows a clear commitment from Member States to overcome current barriers and expand access to HPV and HBV vaccination. However, more can still be done, especially to increase HPV coverage by establishing a target for the vaccination of boys.' - Daniel Kelly
'Leveraging data-driven decision-making and setting clear vaccination targets represents a huge step forward. These recommendations can enhance our efforts to prevent vaccine-preventable cancers and protect future generations.’ – Margaret Stanley
These recommendations are crucial for advancing our efforts in cancer prevention across Europe. Find the full adopted document here.