Building the Roadmap to Outcomes-Based Cancer Care

07 September 2018

The European Cancer Organisation and the Collaboration for Oncology Data in Europe (CODE) announced the results of a research project which identifies a standard set of eight “pragmatic outcome measures” in cancer care that have value to both clinical teams and patients. These outcomes measures were derived from real-world data collected as part of routine care, and validated by leading clinicians and patient advocates. Their findings represent a valuable step in Europe’s move toward outcomes-based care in cancer.

The jointly published report, Understanding Pragmatic Outcome Measures in Oncology, reflects 25 interviews with stakeholders from the European oncology community including: patient representatives, clinicians and individuals from various oncologic professional bodies. The results of this project will be discussed at the ECCO 2018 Summit, the 7 to 9 September 2018, and at a roundtable in Brussels on 6 November 2018.

A key driver of the research was to build a better understanding of how health systems can move towards more outcome-based cancer care. With a focus on “pragmatic outcome measures,” the research evaluated opinions from healthcare professionals and patients regarding the value of widely available outcome measures, as well as measures which are more complex to assess. The ultimate objective of the report was to chart a path toward comprehensive outcome measurement through achievable stages.

 Key findings from the research include:

  • Consensus exists on the value that widely available, systematic outcomes measurement can provide to all involved in cancer care
  • Alignment on the value to patients and clinicians of an initial set of “pragmatic outcomes measures” which can be collected relatively easily and at scale in near real time as a first step towards a part of a broader programme toward comprehensive outcome management for cancer care
  • Exploring and reconciling metrics that are currently perceived as having different value to patients and clinicians, respectively
  • The need to address practical hurdles, including capturing data in a structured and standardized manner given technology and resource limitations, and a lack of guidelines. Removing such obstacles are necessary steps toward developing an integrated approach that incorporates patient reported data into routine clinical practice
  • A call to come together at the European level to ensure that efforts to capture outcomes measures are properly resourced and prioritised
  • A call to develop and embed outcomes measurement into European-level ”essential requirements”

Commenting on the findings,

Professor Philip Poortmans, Presidemt of the European Cancer Organisation, said: “Outcome measurement is seen by many within the oncology community as an exciting opportunity to have a more patient-centric approach to care, and to allow healthcare providers to make informed decisions based on patient current needs and historical research. However, we need to now move the discussion beyond simple expression of aspiration and into the practicalities of execution. The results of this research provide excellent insights for decision makers about the next steps in the journey towards comprehensive outcome measurement.”

Professor David Kerr, Head of Oncology at the University of Oxford and Chair of CODE’s Clinical and Analytical Steering Committee added: “This research provides clarity about immediate opportunities to enable the European cancer community to improve understanding of the value of treatment interventions. Harnessing the insights that are available to us today, will enable us to better inform decisions and contribute to the advancement of cancer care. Pragmatic outcomes measures are an actionable immediate first step towards widespread collection and use of comprehensive outcomes measurement in the European oncology community. The recommendations in this report also set out a clear roadmap where increased focus and investment in the near term will allow us to gain further insight and work together towards a comprehensive, longer-term approach. ”