Draft Resolutions of the ECCO 2018 European Cancer Summit Now Published for Consultation

17 July 2018

Improving the measurement of quality cancer care, addressing financial discrimination endured by cancer survivors and better integrating primary care to improve cancer care are the three major themes of the draft ECCO 2018 European Cancer Summit resolutions published for open consultation today for 5 weeks and ends at 17:00 CET, 21 August 2018.

Setting clear time-based goals, assigning responsibilities, and supporting the principal goal with auxiliary actions, are underlying principles to the three sets of resolutions. Intended to form solid foundations to multi-stakeholder lobbying efforts thereafter, the resolutions represent the essential intention of ECCO 2018 European Cancer Summit: to form and drive consensus on the actions necessary to enhance delivery of cancer care in Europe and improve outcomes and experience for all cancer patients.

The draft resolutions were formed via meetings of the European Cancer Organisation's Oncopolicy Committee and Patient Advisory Committee in April 2018, followed by a wider process of virtual consultation with the European Cancer Organisation's members and patient advocates thereafter.

For the measurement of Quality Cancer Care, the draft resolutions call for:

  • By 2023 an agreed set of core standards and evidence-based indicators (based on processes and patient outcomes) to measure the quality of all cancer services in European countries should be in place.

Further supporting actions to this goal are described here.

This resolution builds on the work of the European Cancer Organisation in respect to the Essential Requirements for Quality Cancer Care, as well as initiatives of the European Cancer Organisation's member societies, such as the Accreditation and Designation Programme of the Organisation of European Cancer Institutes (OECI).

To address financial discrimination experienced by cancer survivors, the draft resolutions call for:

  • By 2025, in respect to accessing financial services, the right of cancer survivors not to declare their cancer 10 years after the end of the active treatment and 5 years if they had cancer under 18, should be codified across European countries.

Further supporting actions to this goal are described here.

This resolution builds upon the special project of EORTC on survivorship, including its biennial Survivorship Summit. More information here.

 To bring about improvement in respect to the integration of cancer care, the draft resolutions call for:

  • By 2025, all national cancer plans in Europe should contain ambitious and measurable goals and actions to improve the integration of primary care healthcare professionals and informal carers within multidisciplinary care to patients.

Further supporting actions to this goal are described here.

This resolution builds upon the European Cancer Organisation's project to define the essential requirements for primary care interventions throughout the cancer care pathway.

The draft resolutions are now open for public consultation via the European Cancer Organisation's website. Any member of the public or interested organisation can provide comment, including proposal for amendment or addition. The final versions of the resolutions will be tabled before the attendees of the ECCO 2018 European Cancer Summit for an open vote. 

Commenting on the publication of the draft resolutions, President of the European Cancer Organisation and Summit Co-Chair Professor Philip Poortmans, said:

“The European Cancer Organisation was set up to find consensus and provide a common voice for the diversity of the cancer community. Resolutions of this nature, addressing pressing needs, and taking input and comment from all, are the tangible expression of that role. More importantly, they are a solid foundation by which to embark on precise and meaningful lobby effort.

I am therefore urging everyone with an interest in quality cancer care, survivorship and cancer care delivery to take some time over the summer to review the resolutions, consider where strength could be added, and respond to the consultation accordingly. Thereafter, come and join us in Vienna, be part of the conversation, and let us join forces to bring these aspirations of improvement into reality.”