Report from the “Building the Roadmap to Outcomes-Based Cancer Care" Roundtable Now Available Online

20 March 2019

The European Cancer Organisation and the Collaboration for Oncology Data Europe (CODE) have publish a report of the Roundtable “Building the Roadmap to Outcomes-Based Cancer Care”. The aim of the event was to examine the opportunities from outcomes-based healthcare to improve cancer care, building on the findings of the European Cancer Organisation-CODE joint research project on pragmatic outcomes measurement (POM).

The jointly published roundtable report, “Building the Roadmap to Outcomes-Based Cancer Care”, reflects the discussions between key stakeholdergroups present including representatives from patient organisations, clinicians, biopharmaceutical and medical devices industry representatives and associations, and policy makers.

The meeting concluded with recommendations including:

  1. A call for coordination of innovation across oncology stakeholders to build a focused approach to achieving systematic outcomes measurement
  2. A call for data infrastructures to support near-real time delivery of information back to healthcare systems
  3. A recommendation for direct engagement with payers on pragmatic outcome acceptability
  4. Encouragement for an Essential Requirements, or other exercise, examining how to achieve routine capture of pragmatic outcomes measures
  5. A call for a co-ordinated approach to the capture of patient reported data to allow inter-centre and inter-national comparability
  6. Encouragement for further dialogue, debate and exchange between stakeholders on the matters raised at the meeting and in the ECCO-CODE report ‘Understanding Pragmatic Outcome Measures in Oncology’.

"Today we learned about the importance of the speed of providing information back to healthcare systems to inform quality feedback loops and learning systems. We heard about the importance of having all of the relevant stakeholders working together and the value and complexities of patient reported data. We agreed that now is the time to coordinate the huge amount of innovation being done in this space." - Dr Ashley Woolmore, CODE Lead and Senior Vice President, Real World and Analytics Solutions Global Team, Head of European Data and Evidence Networks, IQVIA

“The discussion today has been very fruitful. When we think about data collection today, it is necessary is to have communication that reflects these issues and not just issues around the doctors but those around the whole team. The take home message from this discussion about pragmatic outcomes measurement is not at the end, it is in the middle. We need to bring in all relevant stakeholders, to ensure the full picture of cancer is painted." - Professor Klaus Meier, Chair of the European Cancer Organisation's Oncopolicy Committee and ESOP President.