The European Cancer Organisation Welcome Cancer Plan Consultation and Calls on All to Input

04 February 2020

On the occasion of World Cancer Day, the European Commission has opened consultation with stakeholders to help shape and finalise an impactful new Europe's Beating Cancer Plan.

 Responding to the news President of the European Cancer Organisation, Dr Matti Aapro, said:

“What we’ve heard today pushes the right buttons for us. The focus on prevention, early detection, treatment and quality of life is a great way to structure a holistic approach to improvement. Suggested actions on increasing vaccination coverage, improving screening and tackling discrimination against cancer survivors are highly encouraging. There is great scope to build on the firm foundations of existing work by the European Cancer Organisation, its members, patient groups and many others.

However, inevitably the devil still remains in the detail. We are pleased the Commission is taking a bottom up approach to finalising the plan and co-designing with experts across Europe. We stand ready to support Commissioner Stella Kyriakides and her team in building an implementing the Plan. We encourage the widest input by all members, patients and others to make the most inspiring and change-making Cancer Plan possible.”

More information about Europe's Beating Cancer Plan Consultation here.

The European Cancer Organisation Welcome Cancer Plan Consultation and Calls on All to Input