World Cancer Day 2023

04 February 2023

World Cancer Day is an opportunity to take stock of the ongoing battle to reduce the pain, suffering and death from this devastating disease. At the European Cancer Organisation (ECO), we believe a key element in this fight is identifying cancer inequalities.  It is why, once again today, we emphasise the theme, Close the Care Gap.

Inequalities come in many different forms: gender, ethnicity, age, sexuality, patient education, and more. Whatever the reason, this disparity in care is unacceptable. Too many people are dying of cancer who could actually be saved. This must change.

To that end, the European Cancer Organisation has introduced the European Cancer Pulse to track more than 120 inequalities within countries and between countries – all across the continent. The ECO has also recruited a group of committed national and European parliamentarians who will use these data to highlight much needed improvements.

This is all in addition to our own Inequalities Network and our contributions to the EU’s Cancer Inequalities Registry.

The momentum is clearly building, and we all have a role to play.

Together, we can Close the Care Gap! 

Don't forget to check out our latest report on Cancer Care Needs in the Community Setting.

World Cancer Day 2023