ECO Responds to the European Commission Call for Evidence on Action to Promote Vaccination Against Cancer-Causing Viruses
07 February 2023
The European Cancer Organisation (ECO) responded to European Commission Call for Evidence on cancer prevention – action to promote vaccination against cancer-causing viruses. The consultation invited public feedback on future initiatives to increase the uptake of vaccination against the Hepatitis B virus and Human Papillomavirus.
The call for evidence will support the drafting of the European Commission proposal for a Council Recommendation on vaccine-preventable cancers, which will be published by the end of 2023.
With the support of our HPV Action Network the European Cancer Organisation emphasises the following points for inclusion in the upcoming Recommendation:
- Accelerating the achievement of HPV cancer elimination through gender-neutral vaccination.
- Increasing coverage of HBV vaccination including for new-borns, children and risk-groups.
- Ensuring an inequalities focus throughout the recommendation.
- Actively tracking and monitoring progress towards the achievement of HPV and HBV cancers elimination goals.
- Enhancing EU level action against misinformation and disinformation about vaccination on social media.
- Supporting a stable supply environment for HPV and HBV vaccines across Europe.
- Creating synergies between the European Commission and the World Health Organization in implementing policies and strategies for the elimination of all cancers and diseases caused by HPV and HBV.
- Urging Member States to adopt public health strategies that include multi-stakeholders educational campaigns.
- Committing Member States to further facilitate access to vaccination and to implement coordinated vaccination catch-up programmes among the population.
- Securing long-term commitment by the European Union to the funding of vaccine-preventable cancers research.
Our full response is available here.