cci4eu general assembly 2024

Project Duration: May 2023 to May 2026

Comprehensive Cancer Centres and Comprehensive Cancer Care Networks may be the core of Comprehensive Cancer Infrastructures (CCIs) that deliver quality care and provide resources to improve and integrate care, research and education. Data already available confirm that the level of ‘maturity’ of CCIs’ implementation in European countries is widely different, with some countries having complete CCI integrated systems while others are lacking CCIs completely.  

Funded under the Horizon Europe Cancer Mission, CCI4EU is a European initiative, implemented in all Member States, based on a capacity building programme (CBP) that will help reduce inequalities, supporting Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan’s goal of 90% of eligible cancer patients accessing Comprehensive Cancer Centres by 2030. 

The capacity building programme is a complex intervention that requires multiple and integrated actions delivered to relevant stakeholders. It will be designed with an inclusive approach, capable of creating a change and improvement in research and care, with greater integration between them, supported by an education programme. 

The project will implement the following steps: 

  1. Define CCI Maturity Model including quality indicators 
  2. Profile the CCIs in each Member State and a few associated countries in terms of CCI presence and levels of maturity 
  3. Design tailored CBP interventions, giving priority to EU countries without any CCI 
  4. Deliver online training courses open to all EU Member States and associated countries, and implement targeted onsite interventions 
  5. Scale up and sustain development; disseminate, exploit and report results 

The project will maximize impact by bridging with the work of ongoing EU cancer research projects. National focal points will be key informants in making the links between the project, the European Commission and Member States.  

The 36-month project is led by Organisation European Cancer Institute (OECI). ECO will contribute to the work of several work packages including the definition of criteria for the CCI Maturity Model (WP2), as well as to scalability and the dissemination of the project from a policy perspective (WP 7 and 8). 

Browse the project website here.

ESO (European Society of Oncology) is organising and publishing a variety of webinars and educational materials for project partners and interested stakeholders, all available online at this address.

The course on Clinical Trials and Clinical Research is the second of 10 online training courses organised within the project to help countries develop an effective comprehensive infrastructure and widen the reach of this grant. The aim is to discover how to build a successful and sustainable clinical research programme.

CCI4EU Stakeholder Forum 2024

CCI4EU is a large and ambitious European project aiming to help EU Member States and Associated Countries improve or develop their existing or future Comprehensive Cancer Infrastructures (CCIs), by enabling them to strengthen their research capacities through capacity building interventions. As such, the project strives to reduce existing inequalities in access to cancer-related innovation and quality care across Europe.

In this webinar, the scope and setup of the project will be explained, and the progress that has been made so far by the CCI4EU consortium will be presented. Attendees will get the opportunity to ask questions, give feedback, and help shape the project’s outputs.

Register to this webinar following this link.

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This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement Nº 101103746.

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