Russia's Missile Attack on Ukrainian Children's Hospital

09 July 2024


Statement from the European Cancer Organisation

collage ukraine statement

9 July 2024, Brussels: Responding to the horrific scenes from the Russian missile strike yesterday on Kyiv's Okhmatdyt Children's Hospital, the European Cancer Organisation has issued the following statement:

Russia’s military targeting of children, hospitals and healthcare facilities is appalling. Our hearts go out to all who have been harmed, including the most vulnerable of patients, healthcare professionals, parents and families. This attack stiffens our resolve to work with our member societies, patient organisations and others in giving help to cancer patients and professionals in Ukraine now and in the long term. 

ECO is monitoring the further developments from this latest attack closely and is consulting with our partners in Ukraine to better understand emerging needs.  We will continue to collaborate closely with the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) through our Emergencies & Crises Network of over 400 organisation representatives worldwide to leverage global support for Ukraine’s health and cancer care systems.

These attacks on health facilities are war crimes, unequivocally. We call for the necessary procedures to be initiated promptly so that the perpetrators can be brought to justice.

In our representations to the new European Parliament and European Commission currently taking office, we will reiterate the united calls from Europe’s cancer community to sustain financial support for Ukraine, including for maintenance and reconstruction of cancer services.

Humanity must triumph over barbarity and we all must play our part in achieving that.


ECO's work on Ukraine is included in the Emergencies and Crises Network. If you would like to get involved, please contact:

Giacomo Lazzaro    

Senior Coordinator, Community & Network Projects

European Cancer Organisation

email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

or telephone: +32 2 775 02 00 


For more information or to arrange an interview with leaders of the European Cancer Organisation, please contact:

Otilia Colceriu

Press Officer

European Cancer Organisation

email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

or telephone: +32 2 775 02 00