Emergencies and Crises Network

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 European Cancer Summit 2023 Session: Cancer Services in Crisis Situations

Watch the session recording here and read the full European Cancer Summit 2023 Report to discover the rich and diverse discussions of this session.


In recent years, challenges such as the Covid-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine have underscored the unpredictability of crises and the importance of global collaboration within the cancer community to respond accordingly. Our ability to withstand future challenges depends on the preparedness and resilience of our healthcare systems.

To that end, the European Cancer Organisation (ECO) has created a new Focused Topic Network on Emergencies and Crises. This initiative ensures a robust forum for cancer professionals and patient advocates to learn together from past challenges and apply the most effective approaches going forward.  It will help the cancer community better respond to the urgent needs of patients by minimising disruptions to cancer care and fostering stronger collaboration among oncology centres across Europe.  

This new network will build on the experience gained from two previous networks.

  • Special Network: Impact of Covid-19 on Cancer

Initiatives included:

visit the special network 600



  • ECO-ASCO Special Network: Impact of the War in Ukraine on Cancer

Initiatives included:

  • sharing intelligence, experience, contacts;
  • offering support and connecting organisations and people eager to help;
  • populating onco-help.org and amplifying the work being done; and
  • informing our advocacy and policy work with the WHO and EU Commission.

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To learn more or to support our work, please contact us This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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