The ALTHEA Consortium meets on 30 September - 1 October for its Kick-Off Meeting. 

An estimated 1 in 20 Europeans has now faced a cancer diagnosis. But this disease not only takes a toll on the body but also weighs heavily on mental health. Patients undergoing cancer treatment and survivors after their treatment often face a cascade of psychological and cognitive challenges, including anxiety, depression, fear, and uncertainty. This can severely impact the quality of life for patients, their families and caregivers.

Unfortunately, psychological support is often lacking due to inequalities in access and the lingering stigma surrounding mental health. Many patients, especially those from underserved regions or disadvantaged backgrounds, do not receive adequate mental health screening or care.

ALTHEA works to address these issues.  

Solutions exist. Systematic mental health screening ensures that patients are given timely access to psychological support. Early intervention is key. By recognising early warning signs, healthcare professionals can intervene sooner, preventing emotional distress from escalating and providing more personalised care.

ALTHEA aims to provide high-quality, remote, psychological support through digital platforms. By designing software that can be easily used on simple devices, we ensure that the tool is accessible in remote regions and to those with limited access to technology.

Beyond supporting patients, ALTHEA will develop guidance and best practices for oncology professionals, promoting a collaborative approach between them and mental health professionals. By cementing mental health support in the cancer pathway, ALTHEA is setting a new standard for comprehensive cancer care.