Latest from MELODIC 

6 - 7 February: Work Package 2 Meeting 

The MELODIC work package 2 members met in Rotterdam, Netherlands to develop a strategy for the implementation of the needs assessment for adolescents and young adults (AYA) with cancer. The team exchanged best practices and kickstarted the communication and dissemination strategy for the initiative. Conversations also revolved around synergies with similar mental health and cancer EU-funded projects. The meeting was chaired by the work package lead, Erasmus MC.

31 October - 1 November 2024: MELODIC Kick-Off Meeting 

The consortium met in Turku, Finland to kick-start the MELODIC project. During the two days of meetings, the project partners exchanged views on their work plans and used previous experiences and lessons learned to identify the most efficient strategies for implementation. Synergies with other EU-funded initiatives will play an important role in the European Cancer Organisation's role in dissemination of the project. 

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Each year, 3 million people in the EU receive a cancer diagnosis, including an increasing number of young adults (YAs) under 50. While survival rates are improving, the psychological and emotional toll of cancer remains significant.

Young adults with cancer face unique mental health challenges. Research shows that YA cancer survivors are 57% more likely to develop depression and 29% more likely to experience anxiety compared to their peers without cancer. The mental health of families and caregivers is also profoundly affected but is often overlooked.

MELODIC is set to address these urgent issues.

This EU-funded project is dedicated to improving the mental health and wellbeing of young adults with cancer and their caregivers during the first year after diagnosis. To achieve this, MELODIC focuses on understanding the specific mental health challenges faced by YAs and their families through in-depth interviews and surveys.

Using these insights, the project aims to empower healthcare professionals (HCPs) by developing and delivering an online training programme to enhance their skills in early detection, screening, and management of mental health needs. MELODIC is also piloting an innovative intervention that combines physical activity in natural environments with targeted information support.

The project not only addresses immediate mental health needs but also establishes a sustainable framework for improving psychosocial oncology care, aligning with EU health priorities.


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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HADEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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