Community 365 Roundtable on New Treatment Paradigms

Since the launch of Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan in 2021, science and technology have not stood still. New and innovative approaches towards cancer detection, diagnosis and treatment are arriving at an ever rapid pace, and include, but are not limited to, for example, cell therapy, radioligand therapy and the use of liquid biopsy. ECO’s Community 365 Roundtable on New Treatment Paradigms discussed the exciting potential of some of these approaches and the policy challenges of introducing them more widely in countries across Europe.

Experts from the clinician, patient, governmental and political environments joined us at the event to provide their experience and perspectives. Results of the discussions will be published in a detailed action report.

12 June 2024 15:00 - 17:30 CEST


View the Recording from the Roundtable meeting  here.





15:00-15:10 - Welcome and introductions

The roundtable was co-chaired by Nikolina Dodlek, ECO Board Member and Young Cancer Nurse, European Oncology Nursing Society, and Dr. Erik Briers, PAC Advisory Committee Member and Vice Chairman, Europa Uomo.

15:10-15:55 - Cell therapy

Co-chaired by: Dr. Dan Tovar, Senior Director Medical Affairs, Kite, and Nikolina Dodlek, Board Member and Young Cancer Nurse, European Oncology Nursing Society.

15:10 – 15:18: An introduction to cell therapy - Dr. Dan Tovar, Senior Director Medical Affairs, Kite

15:22 - 15:30: Panelist response 1: Natacha Bolaños, Regional Manager for Europe, Lymphoma Coalition

15:30 - 15:38: Nikolina Dodlek, Board Member and Young Cancer Nurse, European Oncology Nursing Society

15:38 – 15:46: Panelist response 2: Dr. Matti Aapro, Past-President of the European Cancer Organisation, UICC Board member.

15:46 – 15:52: Discussion with audience, stakeholders and panelists.

15:52 – 15:55: Closing of the session.

15:55-16:40 - Radioligand therapy

Co-chaired by: Prof. Ken Herrman, Chair of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM) Oncology & Theranostics Committee; and Dr. Erik Briers, Vice Chairman of Europa Uomo.

15:55 – 16:05: An introduction to radioligand therapy – Prof. Ken Herrmann, Chair of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM) Oncology & Theranostics Committee.

16:05 – 16:15: The EU role in supporting increased access – Dr. Uwe Holzwarth, Scientific Officer, Joint Research Centre, European Commission.

16:15 – 16:20: The remaining policy challenges – Leonhard Schaetz, Head of Radioligand Therapy Healthcare System Readiness and Partnerships in Novartis.

16:20 – 16:25: The patients' perspective - Mark McDonnell, Chairperson, NET Patient Network; President, INCA

16:25 - 16:38: Discussion with audience, stakeholders and panelists.

16:38 - 16:40: Closing of the session

16:40-17:25 - Liquid biopsy

Co-chaired by: Mounia Mounawar, Vice President and Global Head of Biomarkers & Companion Diagnostics at Menarini Stemline, and Nikolina Dodlek, Board Member and Young Cancer Nurse, European Oncology Nursing Society

16:40 - 16:50: Presentation of emerging biomarkers in breast cancer: implementing liquid biopsy ESR1 mutation testing–  Dr. Umberto Malapelle, Researcher in Anatomic Pathology, Department of Public Health, University of Naples “Federico II”.

16:50 - 17:00: Presentation of results of CPE Patient Survey on Metastatic Breast Cancer Biomarkers – Juan Ventura, Research and Patient Engagement Director, Cancer Patients Europe.

17:00 - 17:05: Dr. Christos Poulios, Pathologist, Education Manager, European Society of Pathology; Steering Committee Member of the ECO Young Cancer Professionals Group.

17:05 - 17:10: Matias Olsen, Senior Manager, Public Affairs & Policy, European Confederation of Pharmaceutical Entrepreneurs (EUCOPE)

17:10 - 17:23: Discussion with audience, stakeholders and panelists.

17:23 - 17:25: Closing of the session.

17:25-17:30 - Event conclusions


  • Nikolina Dodlek Board Member, European Cancer Organisation; Young Cancer Nurse, European Oncology Nursing Society
  • Erik Briers Patient Advisory Committee Member, European Cancer Organisation; Vice Chairman, Europa Uomo
  • Matti Aapro Past-President of the European Cancer Organisation, UICC Board member.
  • Natacha Bolaños Regional Manager for Europe, Lymphoma Coalition
  • Ken Herrmann Chair - Oncology & Theranostics Committee, European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM)
  • Uwe Holzwarth Scientific Officer, Joint Research Centre, European Commission


  • Nikolina Dodlek Board Member, European Cancer Organisation; Young Cancer Nurse, European Oncology Nursing Society
  • Erik Briers Patient Advisory Committee Member, European Cancer Organisation; Vice Chairman, Europa Uomo
  • Matti Aapro Past-President of the European Cancer Organisation, UICC Board member.
  • Natacha Bolaños Regional Manager for Europe, Lymphoma Coalition
  • Ken Herrmann Chair - Oncology & Theranostics Committee, European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM)
  • Uwe Holzwarth Scientific Officer, Joint Research Centre, European Commission
  • Nikolina Dodlek Board Member, European Cancer Organisation; Young Cancer Nurse, European Oncology Nursing Society Read Bio
  • Erik Briers Patient Advisory Committee Member, European Cancer Organisation; Vice Chairman, Europa Uomo Read Bio
  • Matti Aapro Past-President of the European Cancer Organisation, UICC Board member. Read Bio
  • Natacha Bolaños Regional Manager for Europe, Lymphoma Coalition
  • Ken Herrmann Chair - Oncology & Theranostics Committee, European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM) Read Bio
  • Uwe Holzwarth Scientific Officer, Joint Research Centre, European Commission Read Bio
  • Mark McDonnell Chairperson, NET Patient Network; President, INCA
  • Matias Olsen Senior Manager - Public Affairs & Policy, European Confederation of Pharmaceutical Entrepreneurs (EUCOPE) Read Bio
  • Umberto Malapelle Researcher in Anatomic Pathology, Department of Public Health, University of Naples “Federico II” Read Bio
  • Juan Ventura Research and Patient Engagement Director, Cancer Patients Europe Read Bio
  • Mounia Mounawar Vice President and Global Head of Biomarkers & Companion Diagnostics, Menarini Stemline Read Bio
  • Leonhard Schaetz International Head of Health System Readiness and Partnership - Radioligand Therapies, Novartis Read Bio
  • Dan Tovar Senior Director Medical Affairs, Kite


  • Nikolina Dodlek Board Member, European Cancer Organisation; Young Cancer Nurse, European Oncology Nursing Society
  • Erik Briers Patient Advisory Committee Member, European Cancer Organisation; Vice Chairman, Europa Uomo
  • Matti Aapro Past-President of the European Cancer Organisation, UICC Board member.
  • Natacha Bolaños Regional Manager for Europe, Lymphoma Coalition
  • Ken Herrmann Chair - Oncology & Theranostics Committee, European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM)
  • Uwe Holzwarth Scientific Officer, Joint Research Centre, European Commission


  • Nikolina Dodlek Board Member, European Cancer Organisation; Young Cancer Nurse, European Oncology Nursing Society
  • Erik Briers Patient Advisory Committee Member, European Cancer Organisation; Vice Chairman, Europa Uomo
  • Matti Aapro Past-President of the European Cancer Organisation, UICC Board member.
  • Natacha Bolaños Regional Manager for Europe, Lymphoma Coalition
  • Ken Herrmann Chair - Oncology & Theranostics Committee, European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM)
  • Uwe Holzwarth Scientific Officer, Joint Research Centre, European Commission