The European Cancer Organisation, representing 31 Member Societies and a Patient Advisory Committee comprised of 20 European patient groups, was commissioned by the European Parliament to produce a landmark study on the current state of play in Europe’s battle against cancer.
Entitled ‘Strengthening Europe in the Fight Against Cancer: Going Further, Faster’, the comprehensive document investigates where matters currently stand in respect to such issues as:
Compiled with input from 61 experts over a six month period, the study’s 45 recommendations are intended to provide Members of the European Parliament with a strong evidence-based foundation for their scrutiny and suggestions for the Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan, the EU Cancer Mission and associated initiatives such as the new EU Pharmaceutical Strategy and EU4Health Programme.
Commenting on the study, Dr Matti Aapro, President of the European Cancer Organisation said:
“The new study ‘Strengthening Europe in the Fight Against Cancer’ comes at precisely the right time. Despite the difficulties caused by COVID-19, 2020 remains an incredible year of opportunity for the EU to reach new levels in the battle against cancer. This study sets out in detail where we presently are in that fight, and the immediate chances we have to accelerate progress and achieve heightened levels of success.
On behalf of the European Cancer community, we urge Members of the European Parliament to take the time to review and digest this study. Uptake of the recommendations will help to ensure 2020 is a break-through year in Europe’s common fight against cancer.”
Read the study here.