Commissioner Kyriakides Breaks News of Game-Changing European Health Fund

27 May 2020

Opening a virtual meeting with Member Societies of the European Cancer Organisation and patients, European Commissioner for Health and Food Safety Stella Kyriakides unveiled a radical new approach for future EU funding for health cooperation.

Entitled EU4Health, the standalone programme, planned to run from 2021 to 2027, will be worth €9.4 billion. It will aim to assist recovery of the health sector after the novel coronavirus pandemic passes, help boost strength of health systems for the longer term, and eliminate weak points exposed during the pandemic.

Widely applauded by the cancer organisations participating in this special meeting, indications were clearly given that the fight against cancer should benefit from attention and investment in such matters as health system resilience, and systems of prevention, detection and diagnosis. Commissioner Kyriakides signalled that the new ambitious health focus for a ‘New Generation EU’ should provide opportunity to proceed with an ambitious, inspiring and truly change-making Beating Cancer Plan at the European level.

The European Cancer Organisation will be making further representations on this particular topic, including continuing to press the case for a dedicated funding mechanism to support non governmental organisations in the conduct of initiatives and projects supportive of the Plan’s core goals. More information on this proposal here.

The European Cancer Organisation will be working with the Commissioner, its 28 Member Societies and 17 patient advocacy groups to support the progress of this proposal and to ensure that quality cancer care benefits from the establishment of EU4Health, particularly given the impact of COVID-19 which will be with us for months and years to come.

Commissioner Kyriakides Breaks News of Game-Changing European Health Fund