Research Policy Network

Contact the Network

The first meeting of the Research Policy Network takes place on 4 July 2024 at 14:00-15:30 CEST. If you wish to participate in the meeting or learn more about how your organisation can join or support the Network, please contact us here.

Ambitious, cutting-edge research is essential to turn the tide against cancer, allowing more effective innovations in diagnosis and treatment to benefit patients and societies. Europe has set high targets through the EU Cancer Mission. Through the Cancer Mission and the Horizon Europe programme, the European Union has set the ambitious goal of improving the lives of more than 3 million people by 2030 through better prevention, cures, and quality of life, through a more patient-centred approach to research and innovation. Meanwhile, the Lancet Oncology European Groundshot Commission has shown the range of challenges faced by cancer research in Europe and called for a doubling of the European cancer research budget to €50 million by 2030.

The new Research Policy Network of the European Cancer Organisation will bring together stakeholders from across the cancer community to examine all policy needs faced by scientists, healthcare professionals, patients, and decision-makers along the cancer research pathway. This will focus on basic and translational research, health service and public health research, clinical, implementation, across Europe and its benefits to cancer patients and health systems.

To learn more or to support our work, please contact us This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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