ECO-ASCO Special Network: Impact of the War in Ukraine on Cancer

Contact the Network
European Cancer Summit 2023 Session: Cancer Services in Crisis Situations


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Watch the session recording here and read the full European Cancer Summit 2023 Report to discover the rich and diverse discussions of this session.

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With the support of this Special Network, we set up (or  to provide Ukrainian cancer patients with multilingual information on resources available in countries receiving Ukrainian refugees.

Each country listed contains information ranging from oncological treatments and medical assistance to psycho-social support and general information on safe travel options, housing, and employment.

New links can be added by emailing them to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Read How Our Member Organisations Are Supporting Ukrainian Cancer Patients
Ukraine Stories REV

Not only does a crisis warrant a response, it demands sharing the lessons learnt. Discover five stories of people and organisations that rallied to support Ukrainian cancer patients in their hour of need, here.


UICC Solidarity Fund for Ukraine Opens Call for Grants to Qualifying Organisations

Since the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) set up the Solidarity Fund to aid Ukrainian cancer patients, it has received more than USD 1 million in contributions. This money will now be available to projects and programmes addressing the impact of the conflict on Ukrainian cancer patients and their families.

If your organisation is interested in this funding opportunity, please read more about the process here. To apply, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Donations to the Solidarity Fund are still open, we encourage you to contact UICC at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you wish to contribute.


Media Section - News and Perspectives from Special Network Representatives

Media Section News Perspectives Final


As the war continues, representatives from the Special Network on the Impact of the War in Ukraine on Cancer, have helped collect vital information on resources available to displaced patients. They are also active in meetings, interviews, podcasts and morem to share intelligence, raise awareness and stand up for Ukrainian cancer patients.

You can learn more here.


Latest Network Reports
Alarming Cancer Medicine Shortages

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The latest research published by the European Society of Oncology Pharmacists (ESOP) and the European Cancer Organisation (ECO)  reveals significant cancer medicine shortages in the countries surrounding Ukraine. Read the full report here.

Survey on the Impact of the War in Ukraine on Cancer Services

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The European Cancer Organisation (ECO) and the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) established this Special Network days after the war started.  It provides support to thousands of displaced Ukrainians  in need of continuing their lifesaving cancer treatments.

This Special Network now includes more than 300 partner organisations.

If your organisation would like to join the Special Network, please fill out the form using the button below and send your organisation’s logo to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you'd like it to be added on the current webpage.

Join The Network Button

Activities of the Special Network
  • Sharing intelligence, experience, contacts
  • Offering support and connecting organisations and people eager to help
  • Populating and amplifying the work being done
  • Informing our advocacy and policy work with the WHO and EU Commission.

Read our statement to the WHO Europe Regional Committee Special Meeting.

The Special Network collaborates with stakeholders across healthcare continuum through the EU DG SANTE Health Policy Platform’s “Supporting Ukraine, neighbouring EU Member States and Moldova” Network

Priorities include:

  • Helping displaced Ukrainian patients, including support on country-to-country patient transfers, removing bottlenecks and harmonisation of rules in different EU Member States
  • Facilitating partnerships and funding support for civil society organisations in Ukraine, Moldova and impacted EU Member States
  • Mental health support for refugee patients and healthcare professionals
  • Recognition and support for Ukrainian healthcare professionals arriving in EU Member States and Moldova, e.g. professional qualification recognition
To learn more or to support our work, please contact us This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

If you are aware of other work that would be helpful to include in national languages or would like more information about this Special Network, please let us know: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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