Research and Networking


Coordinator: Organisation of European Cancer Institutes (OECI)

Objective: Improving or developing existing or future Comprehensive Cancer Infrastructures (CCIs)​. Mapping and clustering CCIs according to their maturity across all EU Member states​. Planning and executing a Capacity Building Programme for clusters of CCIs through online and onsite interventions​.

ECO's Role: Contribute to the work of several work packages, including the definition of criteria for the CCI Maturity Model (WP2), as well as to scalability and the dissemination of the project from a policy perspective (WPs 7 and 8).

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Coordinator: Portuguese Agency for Clinical Research and Biomedical Innovation (AICIB) 

Objective: The ambition of ECHoS is to further support the Cancer Mission by providing Member States and Associated Countries with the capacity to gradually create National Cancer Mission Hubs (NCMHs) operating at national, regional and, where relevant, local levels and facilitating local dialogues on EU cancer policy involving citizens and stakeholders. 

ECO’s Role: Associated partner. 

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